
Teaches guards and forwards to be reactive to driving defenders and protect the hoop. Excellent conditioning and drill players will enjoy for its 1 on 1 moment. Named after 2x defensive player of the years  Dennis Roadman, who has despite his eccentricities, was an NBA player who was notorious for protecting the hoop and stopping whoever he was assigned to guard.


denis road man drill

Player forms groups of 4 and each group takes a hoop. Player 1 in the right-wing, Player 2 at the top of the key, and Player 3 on the left-wing, each with a ball. Player 4 on defense, under the hoop.

Drill Instruction

  1. When Coach says GO, Player 1 drives to the hoop making an offensive move in an attempt to score over Player
  2. Player 4 defends.
  3. If Player 1 makes the shot, Offense (Player 1-3) get 1 point, if Player 4 successfully defends the drive, Defense (Player 4) gets 1 point.
  4. Each player gets 1 shot attempt, gets their rebound and the next position attacks the hoop, continuing across all players until 30 seconds is up.
  5. At the end of the 30 seconds, the score determines the winner.

Coach’s Emphasis

An excellent defensive drill that will teach players the importance of being good to help side position.

It also gives offensive players a chance to work on secondary moves after they have beat their defender off the dribble.

Players will enjoy this drill, so keep score and coach as one would in a game situation.


Simulates defensive movement required for the full-court press, or times when defensive pressure needs intensity.


slide n run

Players line up in the corner of the court. 3- 4 players designated as “ human pylons” from a box with borders on the sideline and painted area of the key. Can use parent’s assistant coaches or injured players for the stationary players in this drill.

Drill Instruction

  1. The player slides in a low defensive stance from the corner to the first stationary point.
  2. Players turn and sprints to the next player and slap their hands.
  3. The player slides in a low defensive stance from the corner to the 3rd stationary player and slaps their hands.

Coach’s Emphasis

Focus on a low defensive stance without feet crossing over.

Demand speed and effort in this drill as you would if your team needed to force a turnover at the end of the game.



Teaches players the proper defensive reaction to recovering on an open player, in a position where they are prepared for that player to shoot a pass or drive. Excellent for preparing to play against a “star” player on an opposing team.


closeout basketball drill

3 Lines under the hoop facing one player on both wings and one player at the top of the key. Ball at the front of each line.

Drill Instruction

  1. Simultaneously, the player at the frot of each line passes to the player at the 3 point line and sprints towards them.
  2. As the defender approaches, they turn into a defensive stance sliding towards the offensive player with one hand up and in a ready position for whatever offensive decision the player makes.
  3. An offensive player makes a contested pass to the first person in the defensive line and goes to the back of that line.
  4. Defender now switches to an offense.
  5. Vary the drill by having the offensive player, pass, then shoot, then drive and eventually make it a live one on one scenario with the offensive players choice on what move to make.

Coach’s Emphasis

Defensive players should slide at the offensive player aggressively but in a stance where they can defend all 3 offensive moves.


Team Defense drill that teaches players to rotate into the proper “help-side” positions and deny the pass when they are on “ball-side.”


denial pistol basketball drill

2 offensive players on each block, with 2 defenders fearing them. 1 coach in a passing position on the extended wing, and another coach (or parent, player) on the other extended wing. One ball in coach 1’s hands.

Drill Instruction

  1. An offensive player on the ball side makes 45-degree cuts to get open while the defensive player denies the pass.
  2. An offensive player on the weak side makes flash cuts to the high post and dotted line while the defensive player stays on the ball side and denies the offensive player cuts.
  3. Coaches also pass to other Coaches so that the defenders can play both ball and weak-side defense in this drill.

Coach’s Emphasis

The weak side defender should straddle the imaginary vertical line splitting the court in half for an ideal position. This defender should see both the ball and their man at all times while keeping their arms up to cut off passing lanes.


It develops a player’s ability to defend in the full and half-court by using their feet and not reaching with their hands.


Half court man to man

Players Pair up and form 4 groups at each quarter court, standing on the sideline and facing the key. 1 ball per pair. Establish 4 boxes without bounds lines for this drill.

Drill Instruction

  1. The offensive player begins a forward zigzag dribbling pattern attempting to beat the defender to the boxes out of bounds line established by Coach.
  2. The defensive player slides to beat the offensive plahyer to stop denying them of their intended destination.
  3. Continue until Coaches calls for a beak or subs new players in.

Coach’s Emphasis

The defensive player should not use their hands, as there are no points for stealing the ball in this drill, only for beating the offensive player to the spot.

The defense should stay low, and keep their eyes on the players jersy number to as not to be fooled by fakes.



Works on defensive fundamentals, defensive footwork, and conditioning.


Mass workout basketball drill

Players spread through the half court facing coach at the center of the court.

Drill Instruction

  1. Coach gives Players an overview and quick demonstration of the below.
  2. STANCE- Players go into an athletic, defensive position, with their body low to the ground, with knees bent, back straight, in excellent balance on the ball of their feet. The coach signals this position with both palms open and facing the players.
  3. FOOT FIRE-Players alternate feet in a rapid-fire movement staying in a stationary position without their body moving, but their feet on fire. The coach signals this position by pointing at the floor.
  4. SLIDES- Players slide in a stance position in the direction Coach points. The coach signals this by pointing right or left.
  5. CHARGEE- Players fall backward in a balanced straight line, as though they have just taken an offensive foul. The coach signals this by placing one hand behind the head. Once Players understand all signals from Coach’s signals, similar to the effort disposed of in an important defensive possession.

Coach’s Emphasis

Focus on low balanced stance, and note which players take shortcuts, or try to hide in the back of the group.

This drill is tiring, and a few player’s favorite drill, but a must forrr defensive improvement, so help your players understand it’s the importance and how they will benefit by exerting maximum effort.



Works on defensive fundamentals, defensive footwork, and conditioning.


Mass workout basketball drill

Players spread through the half-court facing Coach at center court.

Drill Instruction

  1. Coach gives players an overview and quick demonstration of the below.
  2. Players go into an athletic, defensive position with their body low to the ground, defensive position, with their body low to the ground, with knees bent, back straight, in excellent balance on the ball of their feet. The coach signals this position with both palms open and facing the players.
  3. FOOT FIRE- Players alternate feet in a rapid-fire movement staying in a stationary position without their body moving, but their feet on fire. The coach signals this position by pointing at the floor.
  4. SLIDES – Players slide in a stance position in the direction Coach points. Coach signals this position by pointing left or right.
  5. CHARGE- Players fall backward in a balanced straight line, as though they have just taken an offensive foul. The coach signals this by placing one hand behind the head. Once players understand all signals from Coach and the proper fundamental way to action Coach’s signals, a series of signals begins, making this a conditioning drill, similar to the effort disposed of in an important defensive possession.

Coach’s Emphasis

Focus on low balanced stances, and note which players take shortcuts or try to hide in the back of the group.

This drill is tiring, and few players favorite drill, but a must for defensive improvement, so help your players understand its importance, and how they will benefit by exerting maximum effort.