3 man weave off the board improves player’s athleticism, jump timing and ability to make offensive rebounds.
- Players make teams of 3 and each trio, takes 1 hoop.
- Player 3 jumps, catches and throws the ball of the background in one motion without touching the ground, continues behind player 1.
- Player 2 jumps, catches and throws the ball of the background in one motion without touching the ground, and continues behind player 1.
- The weave continues, with each player catching and throwing the ball of the background until reaching 10, at which point the last player scores the basketball.
Coach’s Emphasis
This drill will seem challenging at first on player order alone, be patient with your players and teach them the rotation slowly.
After practising and teaching some rebounding fundamentals, use this drill to make rebounding a competitive, fun part of your practice.
Make 2 teams out of all players, with 2 players from each team in the half-court. Designate 1 pair as offense and the order defense. Coach stands on the wing with a ball in hand.
Drill Instruction
- Coach shoots, with intent to miss. (if the shot goes in, continue as though it was a miss).
- If Defense gets the rebound that team gets one point and stays on defense, and gives coach back the ball for another shot.
- If the offense gets the rebound they get 2 point and any points scored in that offensive possession. (made lay up) is 2 points, Total 4 points)
- After Offensive possession, new players rotate in, with offense switching to defense.
Coach’s Emphasis
Remind players to use fundamentals learned in order drills.
Make rebounding competitive, and see the team’s reaction.
Some of your most valuable players will be the players that excel in this drill.
Teach players to box out for rebounds by using their lower body and gaining position.
Players pair up. Place 1 ball in the center of the free-throw circle, or half-court. The defensive player faces the offensive player who is outside the circle.
Drill Instruction
- When Coach says Go, an offensive player tries to put one hand on the ball.
- The defensive player pivots and makes a wide stance pushing the offensive player away from the ball and protecting the rebounding area.
- Drill Continues until the offensive player touches the ball, and then players switch.
Coach’s Emphasis
To be a great rebounder, one must be able to create space and use feet and lower body to gain and hold the position.
Remind players to stay low for a stable strong stance.
Teach Players the fundamentals to follow before every defensive rebound. Teaches players how to create space and get more rebounds.
5 offensive players pair up with 5 defensive players facing the basket, and defensive players in a defensive stance, face guarding the offense.
Drill Instruction
- When Coach says SHOT, defensive players locate the offensive player using their hands.
- The defensive player then turns around to the face the hoop in a wide stance, with arms stretched out, using their bottom and lower back to keep the offensive player behind them.
- Offensive players, fight to get around the defensive player into the key as a defensive player continues to hold them out.
- After 2-3 seconds, Players to switch positions from offense to defense.
Coach’s Emphasis
To create space, stay low.
First, create space, then go get the ball for a rebound.
To make this drill competitive, instead of yelling SHOT, take a shot, and see how many times the ball teach players to rebound by creating space, and gaining position advantages, instead of trying to out jump others.
An offensive rebounding drill that teaches players to grab the ball and RIP through the defender’s arms, for possible “and 1” opportunities.
Players form groups of 3-4 and each takes 1 basket, each group with 1 ball.
Drill Instruction
- Players throw the ball of the background to themselves and crash the glass for the rebound.
- Player jumps catch the ball and rip it through the air on the catch, tucking it under their chin.
- Player then lands, and goes back up for lay-up, scores it, and passes to the next person in the line.
- After a few reps, the player then Rips & Pump Fakes, before the layup, and then moves on to Rip, Pump Fake and Reverse Layup.
Coach’s Emphasis
Offensive rebounds often come from a crash from either wing. Have players approach from wing angles or other places in your offensive sets.
Promote proper footwork when rebounding, and teach the instinct for transitioning from a defensive rebound to an offensive fast break.
2 Lines of players, with one line at the top of the extended facing the middle of the court, and the other line at the elbow, facing the basket. The first person in the line at the elbow holding the ball.
Drill Instruction
- A player throws the ball off the background to themselves jumps, high for a rebound and catches it yelling “ ball!” as they land
- Outlet line yells OUTLET!
- The player then tucks the ball under their chin, pivots toward the other line, and makes an overhead outlet pass.
- The outlet line makes a chest pass to the rebounding line and drill continues.
Coach’s Emphasis
Have players yell “ BALL” and “OUTLET” so that in a game situation communication between guards and post players in fluent.
Once familiar with the drill have the rebounder and run the length of the floor with the outlet player for a bounce pass and layup.
Improves player’s athleticism, jump timing, and ability to make offensive rebounds.
Partner Catch – Player Pair up and each takes 1 hoop, facing the basket, at each low block.
Team Catch – Players from 2 lines, with the 1st player in each line, facing the basket at each low block.
Drill Instruction
- PARTNER CATCH- Player 1 with the ball, throws the ball high off the backboard at an angle where Player 2 can catch it.
- Player 2 jumps, catches and throws the ball of the backboard in one motion without touching the ground, back to Player 1.
- The drill continues, for a set number of catches between 15-20.
Coach’s Emphasis
Have players get under the ball and go straight up instead of lateral jumping for maximum hang time and a better position to catch, and throw with control. It can be used as a pre-game, and throw with control. It can be used as a pre-game warm, to re-establish team rhythm and muscle memory.
Improves player’s athleticism, jump timing, and ability to make offensive rebounds.
All Players make 1 line in the key facing the hoop, with the first player in line with a ball.
Drill Instruction
- Player 1 with the ball, throws the ball of the backboard and goes to the back of the line.
- Player 2 jumps, catches and throws the ball of the backboard in one motion without touching the ground, and continues to the back of the line.
- The drill continues, with each player catching and throwing the ball of the backboard until reaching a number between 15-20 at which point the last player scores the basketball.
Coach Emphasis
Have players get under the ball and go straight up instead of lateral jumping for maximum hang-time and a better position to catch, and throw with control.
Use as a pre-game warm-up, to re-establish team rhythm and muscle memory.
Improves rebounding instinct, and instills the habit of closing out then boxing out.
2 lines of Players on the baseline at each block, facing midcourt. Coach in the middle of the two lines facing midcourt with a ball in hand, Right line is designated as an offense, left in defense.
Drill Instruction
- Coach rolls the ball slowly toward the free-throw line.
- The player in the offensive line runs out to pick up the ball, turns & shoot.
- The defensive player, cuts from the left low block to the right low block, then run at the shooter with one hand up for a defensive close-out.
- As a player shoots, defensive player, locates, pivots, and boxes out the offense then grab the rebound.
- A defensive player grabs the rebound and gives the ball back to Coach, drill continues.
Coach’s Emphasis
To create space, stay low.
First, create space, then go get the ball for a rebound. First, create space, then go to get the ball for a rebound. To retrain the fundamentals of the box out, the defensive player should be able to let the ball bounce on the ground in front of them, when the offensive is properly boxed out.
Improves player’s athleticism, jump timing, and ability to make offensive rebounds, then finish in traffic.
The Player makes teams of 3 and each trio takes 1 hoop. One player goes at a time and starts with the ball on the right side of the hoop facing the basket.
Drill Instruction
- The player throws the ball off the backboard jumps, catches and throws the ball of the backboard in one motion without touching the ground.
- Player lands regather and jumps, catches, and puts in a layup.
- The Player then goes to the other side of the hoop, and again jumps, tips to themselves, jumps again, and finishes the layup.
- Continue the drill for 30 seconds and rotate.
Coach’s Emphasis
This is an excellent drill for improving leaping ability especially a 2 footed jump from a standstill position don’t allow the player to get lazy, or go through the motions as they tire, as this drill requires a well-conditioned lower body.
Improves player’s ability to make long board jumps for rebounds, and aggressively pursue the basketball.
Players split off into groups of 3-4 with each group taking 1 basket, and 1 ball.
Drill Instruction
- 1st player in line with the ball.
- The player throws the ball off the backboard at an angle where it would land well outside the key on the other side.
- The player takes two steps jumps, catches the ball and lands outside of the key, as far away as possible from their original position.
- The Player then repeats going back towards the line and gives the ball to the next player in line who does the same.
Coach’s Emphasis
Make sure players are jumping off 2 feet, catching the ball at its highest point, while still trying to cover as much vertical distance as possible.
Improves athleticism and ability to tip in shots and offensive rebounds.
Players pair up under and each goes under 1 basket for the drill. 2 balls for each pair. Coach uses practice builder timer, or stopwatch to count time.
Drill Instruction
- Each player throws the ball off the background and with one hand, jumps and tips the ball of the backboard to themselves.
- After 12 with a strong hand, players switch to 2 hands.
- After all 24 successful tips, players make the layup.
Coach Emphasis
This drill will tire out your players so keep them focused on controlling the ball and timing of their jump.
The drill will also see improvement over time, so use to show players their development and the rewards of hard work.
Teach Players the fundamentals to follow after every defensive rebound. Will minimise turnovers and start offensive transition opportunities.
1 Line of players at the right elbow facing the basket with the coach on the left block with the ball. 2nd coach or another player in the outlet position on the right-wing.
Drill Instruction
- 1st player in the line steps forward from the elbow into the key.
- Coach takes a bank shot with intention of the ball coming off the backboard towards the Player.
- The player grabs the rebound with arms fully extended at peak of their vertical jump.
- When landing, the player tucks the ball under their chin and sticks their elbows outside the side protecting the ball.
- Players then front pivots to face the 2nd coach in the outlet position and make a crisp overhead outlet pass.
- Coach 2 passes the ball back coach 1 and the drill continues.
Coach’s Emphasis
Make sure players keep the ball high at all times during this drill.
Chinning the ball and making a strong pivot will not allow defenders to make any play on the ball, and will guarantee retained possession.
On the pass, overhead passes should be strong to teach your guards to expect zippy passes from defensive rebounders.