In basketball, there are a lot of ways to score like 3 point shots, post play, alley-oop layups, and so on. Driving into the lane by slashing the opponent defender and attacking the rim to get a point is considered the best way to score inside the rim. The player who is better at driving the ball into the rim also has different opportunities like drive and kick and get advantage foul. Therefore, you need to be very good at driving the ball, or else you’ll have the chance of losing the ball. Here are some best tips on how to get better at driving in basketball.
Hold the Ball
So the first tip to get better at driving is you need to know how to hold the ball in the right way. Most of the player gets stripped while they try to finish into the rim just because they are not holding the ball properly. So while driving the ball into the basket, try to protect your ball like a football player. You can also hold the ball in front of your chest or take it over your head with both hands while you take steps. Always grab your ball tight so that its defenders will get hard to snatch even if they touch your ball. Many NBA players like D Wade, Kyrie Irving uses these sorts of moves to protect the ball while driving into the rim.
Create an Angle
A lot of players beat the defender and go straight to the basket as quickly as they can and try to lay the ball. There is nothing wrong with it but sometimes your defender may be a bit athletic and they can block your shots disturb you when you try to finish in the basket. If you learn to change your direction while attacking the basket, you can cut him off give a little bump, and have a chance of foul. So while you are driving into the rim trying to go inwards to your defender to advance the foul. Practice this move regularly and you will get better at driving in basketball.
Proper Hand Use
There may be a different situation for finishing the ball and you have to be ready to finish either with left or right based on how your opponent defends you. To get better at driving in basketball you need to have good skills in both hands. If your opponent is defending from the right side then you have to finish with your left hand and if the defender is coming from the left then you should finish with the right hand. You also need to have an alert that if the defender is ready to block then you should quickly change your hand while you are on the air.
Besides these, you also need to have an extra speed pace to beat the defender and drive into the rim.
You also need to get better at handles to beat your defender to get better at driving in basketball. The better handles, the better you can beat your defender and get a good advantage in driving the ball into the rim.
So these are the fundamentals you need to learn if you want to get better at driving in basketball.